Hiya! It’s been a while, hasn’t it?
It’s been almost a year since I’ve shared any recipes with you all in this space.
I started my blog way back in 2017 – here’s my very first post for those who are interested (please excuse my terrible photography skills, I’ve definitely come a long way 😉 ).

How it all started…
When I started my blog all those years ago, I was in an unhappy (and very unhealthy) marriage. I had big dreams of building my own foodie business, writing cookbooks and making guest appearances on morning TV.

I diligently created recipes and posted every week, researched SEO (still don’t quite understand it, if I’m honest) and submitted my work to other recipe sharing websites like Foodgawker. I even reluctantly started an Instagram page (I’d never been into social media).

For the first time in a very long time I felt alive and excited, like I was accomplishing something. I felt like myself again.

Fast forward to now and I am a single mum juggling work, the mortgage, a new relationship, and a couple of cats. I still absolutely love food photography and sharing plant-based recipes but my desire to become the next Nigella has waned significantly.

This year has been the first time since I started the blog around 6 years ago that I’ve felt, perhaps it’s not for me anymore. While I used to feel excited and motivated to post new recipes, now I just feel guilty. Like it’s one more thing on my to do list.
What’s a girl to do?
For the longest time I thought closing the blog was the answer. Much to my surprise I’ve found I enjoy posting on Instagram more than the blog. The community over there is more interactive and I don’t have to think quite as hard to maintain my content.

Question: Why does it feel like you’re only winning at life if you have a full-time job and a side hustle?
While you’re at it, make sure you’re a great parent, partner, eat well, and exercise. It would also be helpful if you got out every once in a while and did something cool. Don’t forget to share it all to your stories before noon plus make a reel about it – but you have to use the latest trending song. Otherwise, loser.

The more I think about it the more I’ve come to realise, this whole food blogger plan was really a way for me to be myself again – creative and curious. I may not be on morning TV but I am really happy at my day job and have the most beautiful relationship with the kid. What’s more, for the first time in my life I feel like I live in a safe, peaceful, loving home. Not too shabby I’d say.
A New Green Leaf 2.0
So what’s the future for anewgreenleaf.com ? Don’t worry, I’m not pulling the plug on the blog just yet. It’s still a great resource for simple plant-based home cooking. Heck, even I go back for some inspo when I’m stuck in a cooking rut. I promise to share more recipes as often as I can but I’m not going to pressure myself to post every week. At least not for now.
What you’ll get from this space is honest plant-based home cooking. Food that’s good for you, tastes great, and is easy to make but most of all, you’ll get the recipes I make for my family and friends. If I think I’ve hit on something worth sharing then I’ll let you guys know. Plus, I love talking about food almost as much as I love cooking and eating it – so drop me a line. You can get in touch via my Contact page or through Instagram or Facebook. I’d love to know what you’re cooking or if there’s something you want me to make.
It’s been an such a great ride so far and I hope you’ll come along on this next, exciting leg of my foodie adventure.
Paula xx