Fabulously Festive Polenta and Pesto Canapes

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Polenta and Pesto canapes3

Looking for some simple yet impressive nibbles to serve with drinks this holiday season?  Well, look no further than my Fabulously Festive Polenta and Pesto Canapes!  These canapes are super yum and virtually fuss free as  both components can be made ahead of time.  This means you can spend more time with your guests whilst they marvel at your innovative cooking skills.  Everybody wins!

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Eggplant Schnitzel

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Eggplant Schnitzel

As I haven’t been long at the vegetarian party I must confess, there are things from my omnivore past that I miss.  Like a good schnitzel for example.  It’s not the taste of the meat, or the heavy feeling after that has me all nostalgic.  No, it’s the crumbs.  The lovely, crisp crumbed outer layer encasing a delicious warm center.  I still make it for my meat eaters and it’s hands down one of their favorite dishes.  So what’s a vegetarian to do when feeling left out?  Schnitzel the humble eggplant of course! Continue reading “Eggplant Schnitzel”