What’s cooking you ask? You know how it goes, some weeks I feel like I could take on the world whilst others… I absolutely love cooking and sharing my recipes here with you all but for some reason this week, I honestly felt like I had nothing to say. Like I’d used up all my words or something. And do you know what’s even weirder? I didn’t really feel guilty about it. For example, normally if I’m a little pressed for time or unprepared for my Monday post I will totally stress out. I’m not quite sure what I think will happen but I made a commitment to myself when I started this journey. Plus, I am a girl who likes routine.
I recently joined Instagram and although it took me a long time to get on board (can you say ‘tin-foil hat anyone’? lol) I’m actually really enjoying the medium. I do wonder though if all that extra energy I’m putting into that space is zapping my creativity in this one? And therein lies the rub (thanks Shakespeare ). Oh well, I know I’ll figure it all out. I have such big plans for the blog and I cannot wait to share all my kitchen-y dreams and ideas with you all. But that’s for another post. Tonight we surf the web (did I mention I’m 100
One of my favorite ways to decompress and get inspired is by checking out what other foodies are making and this week is no exception:
Love and Lemons
As soon as I saw this dish I remembered I felt like lentils. This is a gorgeous, rustic dish that’s made with store cupboard staples. What’s more it’s perfect for batch cooking. I know what I’m making with my lentils this weekend.
The Simple Veganista
Some salads need no introduction. They’re famous the world over and everyone has their own take on them. My money’s on Julie’s version. I am totally taking this to the next family potluck.
Blissful Basil
A dish that’s super tasty, really good for you and easy to make? BB, you had me at hello. Initially I was drawn to this dish by the amazing vibrant colours. But as I read on I realised those colours are accompanied by the most fabulous medicinal properties. Definitely an outside-of-the-box dish for me and I can’t wait to dive in.
Wholefood Simply
I first came across this recipe on Pinterest. The chocolate and caramel colours had me hypnotised so when I clicked through to the recipe I was pleasantly surprised that:
a) these little beauties are idiot proof (the idiot being me – I’ve got to be the most uninterested baker on the planet)
b) the creator of these fabulous delights is a local – Hey girl!
In all seriousness, they are delicious. In fact all 4 dishes are scrumptious. I hope you enjoy discovering them as much as I did. To that end, if you know of any awesomely talented foodies or had a go at one of the recipes above please let me know in the comments. Peace xx